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dimanche 26 juillet 2009

Je pense à toi - Jean-François Michaël

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Je m'éveille, je pense à toi
Il fait soleil, je pense à toi
On me téléphone, je parle, je pense à toi
Avec elle, je pense à toi
Quelle heure ce soir, je pense à toi
Où allons-nous me dit-elle, je pense à toi

Je ne sais même plus où tu es
Ni ce que tu deviens
Mais ça n'a pas vraiment grande importance
Nos pas se perdent dans la ville
Vers de nouveaux chemins
Qui ne se croisent que par coups de chance, de chance

Il se fait tard, je pense à toi
Si on rentrait, je pense à toi
Je n'étais pas très drôle ce soir,
J'ai pensé à toi
On fait l'amour, je pense à toi
Au petit jour, je pense à toi
Je ne dors pas, je pense à toi
{au Refrain}

La nuit s'achève, je pense à toi
Même quand je veille, je pense à toi
Je fume une autre cigarette, je pense à toi
Le jour se lève, je pense à toi
Les yeux mi-clos, je pense à toi
Je ne dors plus, je pense à toi

I wake, I think of you
It's sunny, I think of you
Someone calls me, I speak, I think of you
With her, I think of you
What time tonight, I think of you
Where are we going - she asks, I think of you

I do not even know where you are
Nor what you've become
But it is not really important
Our steps are lost in the city
Toward new paths
Who only crossed by strokes of luck ... by chance

It is getting late, I think of you
If we're returning, I think of you
I have not been very funny tonight
I have thought of you
We make love, I think of you
Every ordinary days, I think of you
I do not sleep, I think of you

I do not even know where you are
Nor what you've become
But it is not really important
Our steps are lost in the city
Toward new paths
Who only crossed by strokes of luck ... by chance

I think of you ... I think of you

The night ends, I think of you
Even when I dream, I think of you
I smoke another cigarette, I think of you
The day rises, I think of you
Eyes half closed, I think of you
I no longer sleep, I think of you

I think of you ...
It's sunny, I think of you
I think of you ... I think of you

(Translated by AT)

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